Category Archives: poetry

Typical only equals boring when you make it so

Ms Rizzo spent a couple of weeks working with our students on how to write good poetry. From the beginning, they were told that their final project would be to write a poem about themselves. One student, however, recently described this assignment as “a bit typical.”

Yet a poet – or a writer, or an artist, student or not – must be able to turn the typical into something incredible. Invariably, teachers will assign you topics throughout your entire scholastic career – some of those will speak to you, some will not. No matter what the topic, however, your writing should be exceptional. You are learning the skills in this class to make it so.

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Poetry Posts on the New York Times

Those Guys and the Super Smith Smurfs are in the midst of our poetry units – at the same time as the New York Times is having its Seventh Annual Found Poetry contest. Naturally, we decided to enter. There are almost six hundred comments on the blog post at last count, so for ease of locating ours, here they are. (This entry will be updated as students add their poems to the comments.)

Those Guys

“Goodbye Old House” by Asia
untitled by Isaac

Super Smith Smurfs

“Spooked Horse Throws Officer and Runs Loose Through Midtown Manhattan” by Alexa
“Why do girls tend to have more anxiety than boys?” by Taya
“Never too old to hurt from a parents’ divorce” by Jaylin